Sunday, January 30, 2022

90 Miles From Tyranny : Nancy Pelosi’s son ensnared in 6th FBI probe! Accu...

90 Miles From Tyranny : Nancy Pelosi’s son ensnared in 6th FBI probe! Accu...: Paul Pelosi Jr. (pictured with his cousin, California Governor Gavin Newsom, in 2009)  Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of Speaker of the House Nanc...


Yet another reason so many of them stay in office so long.  They have to in order to cover for all the crimes committed by their family members


Saturday, January 29, 2022

90 Miles From Tyranny : North Korea is going to chair the World Disarmamen...

90 Miles From Tyranny : North Korea is going to chair the World Disarmamen...: In fresh proof of the lunacy of the United Nations, North Korea will chair its world disarmament forum for four weeks starting May 30. Yes, ...


The un has been pulling stupid shit like this since it's inception. 

Pull the damn plug already

slimy scum


The more that comes out, the more we see just how corrupt and sick politicians are.

On a happy note, I was banned for life from facebook for posting the New York Post story about hunter biden's laptop.  I do not miss it a bit

The DiploMad 2.0: Drums Along the Potomac: Will We Bumble Into War?

The DiploMad 2.0: Drums Along the Potomac: Will We Bumble Into War?: Spoiler alert: I don't know the answer to the question in the heading of this post. Nobody does, but then that's normal when we have...


I am really glad he is writing again, but I sure do wish he did not have anything to write about

90 Miles From Tyranny : DeSantis Riles the Left Up with Merciless Ad Showi...

90 Miles From Tyranny : DeSantis Riles the Left Up with Merciless Ad Showi...: Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida is using Dr. Anthony Fauci’s record of changing his position as a way to both mock Fauci and make a ...


Desantis has balls if nothing else.


Monday, January 24, 2022

The DiploMad 2.0: Right All Along & Biden as Ed Wood's Bela Lugosi

The DiploMad 2.0: Right All Along & Biden as Ed Wood's Bela Lugosi: I have started writing posts several times over the past many weeks, but constantly found myself saying what I have said before. When you&#3...

He has not said much lately......

Sunday, January 23, 2022

On Track

On Track

I've been reading here since right about the time of the post Sundance linked.  2012 or so


And yes, he does often hit the nail on the proverbial head.

Friday, January 21, 2022



He talks fast, and a lot.  But he can cover the points in a rapid fire manner. 

I should check his actual voting record.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 I like this idea.


I'm sorry, everytime I hear the word job, I bust out laughing.

Being retired is is nice in so many ways.  

One of which is I missed kung flu/work issues.


twelveround is one of the few blogs I have email subscribed to receive

I sure hope they keep the printed side going now that they are doing videos

Monday, January 17, 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022

daily timewaster: Interesting Developments

daily timewaster: Interesting Developments:   We now find out that the messaging to air traffic control personnel at the time of the order stated NORAD advised of a missile-launched ae...


Just another reason to prepare.

emp anyone? 

What does n korea have to lose?

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

90 Miles From Tyranny : Dear Democrats: Florida Is Scary And Getting Scari...

90 Miles From Tyranny : Dear Democrats: Florida Is Scary And Getting Scari...:   A report by the South Florida Sun Sentinel suggests Florida is on track to become the 22nd constitutional carry state. Constitutional carr...


The game is afoot in Ohio as well.

Blood in the streets I tell ya, blood in the streets.

It'll be the wild west.

 Cold here.

Warm soonish.

Water catchment methods are numerous and varied.

Making it cost effective is another matter entirely.  Figuring purchase, installation, maintenance, use, capacity, winterizing and 'blending in' costs.  Figuring quantities needed, minimum and maximum.  Ability to control/target/drain/fill storage individually and ability to take storage out of service for cleaning etc...

Usage is it's own rabbit hole to look into.

5 gallons a day per person, 1 gallon per week per sq ft of garden.

90 Miles From Tyranny : What Makes Riots, Conspiracies, Cabals, and Insurr...

90 Miles From Tyranny : What Makes Riots, Conspiracies, Cabals, and Insurr...: “Indeed, men too often take upon themselves in the prosecution of their revenge to set the example of doing away with those general laws to ...

Victor David Hanson knocks one out of the park with this article.

Brought to you by  which should be a daily read.