Monday, October 24, 2022

Friday, October 21, 2022

Just another 2-faced politician it seems.

Desantis has done good things, no question.

But unless he is willing to address this he becomes just another lesser-of-2-evils asshole.

And another look at the covidicy

Insane, coordinated, evil and unending. 

I was already distrusting .gov of any stripe.

Now it is sheer hatred for .gov, medical community and any form of control.

We will not forget, will not forgive and will not let it go.

I lived this. 

Aside from being inundated with the propaganda on a near continual basis, the raw hatred was appalling to me.

Close family has disowned us for not getting jabbed.  This is what angers me the most.  They have been misguided and lied to, and refuse to even discuss it.

fuck em

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Gonna have to harden our hearts.  

Knowing that family members are offering their children up to .gov sacrifice is hard for me.

But I'm the crazy one.

Greed sacrificing children.

 They know good and damn well that the risk to children of kung flu is small enough to be zero.  And yet, for profit these bastards will inject am untested vaccine into them.

There is no hell hot enough for people this evil.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The trigger for me was masks.

 I know a small bit about respiratory protection.  Almost enough to be dangerous.

Made no sense to wear anything less than papr (powered air purifier respirator). 

I gave them 2 weeks to flatten the curve.  We did not leave the house.

Everything since then has insane on a societal scale.