Sunday, May 9, 2021

 Stolen comment from here...


The problems are:
The US Fed has (at the best of their owners) purposefully ruined the currency be removing it from any sort of gold backed or gold reserve unit and turning it into a unit of debt. Ditto for every other currency across the globe.

The government (From the township, village, boro, city, county, state, nation) spends too much wrecked currency on too many various programs that no one would support if hard dollars were needed. Because the entire mess runs on debt, and no one anywhere expects debt to be repaid (only extended, pretended, and forgiven/defaulted) all the grotesque growth in government just sort of slides along. “I’m still getting mine” is the phrase most accurate.

Nobody of any note or import cares. All those people are sure that they are going to be fine, and it is all the little people (you deploreable TBP schmucks) who are going to get screwed.

After the US and the US dollar blow up, any state that wants to get real will be able to do so. Declare null and void all previous loans and guarantees, including pensions. Declare all public union contracts void, and ban all such contracts in the future. Require any currency in circulation to be gold/silver backed, and ban fractional reserve banking. It could be done in one legislative afternoon.

The next week would be taking a cleaver to the State code, and getting laws down to (literally) a few dozen. Written so that even the illiterate shitheads populating the stated]s can understand them, and exacting swift (a few days) judgement. If they can’t prove the case in a few days, they better not bring it.

That would be almost all that a state full of decent people would need to get a real good start on building a solid future.


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