Monday, April 18, 2022

this is a funny article 

 To adjust this business model for 

the EV era, some gas stations are now installing Level 3 chargers, which can deliver as much as 20 miles of range per minute, alongside their old pumps and convenience stores. Some of these fast chargers make EV charging almost as speedy as filling up a gas tank the old-fashioned way, and they’re much faster than what people typically use at home. 

 Now I am certainly no mathematician, but how in the hell does 20 miles per minute of charge in any sane way compare to filling your gas tank timewise?


1 comment:

  1. Level 3 chargers are expensive, damage the battery and if used with a deteriorated battery (at or near the end of its service life) have a much greater chance of starting the whole thing on fire.

    The idea of electric vehicles has promise but the tech is just not ready for market yet. .gov and the EV market is fucking this all up pushing bad tech instead of getting it right.


Play nice.