Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Today is the day.



money quote.....

Despite all that doom and gloom, my wife and I will still be voting today.  After all, if you don't play, you can't win:  and, as Robert Heinlein famously observed, "Always cut the cards".  You never know what might happen.  Let's all proceed on that hope.  If our hopes are unfounded . . . well, at least we tried.  Nobody will be able to accuse us of letting things slide over the edge into chaos without doing our best to prevent that.


As for me and mine.....

We have no trust in the electoral system whatsoever.
Our only desired result in voting is that perhaps there will be enough votes once again to make the democrats cheat so blatantly that the world sees it yet again. Hopefully opening a few more eyes to what they are doing.

We are also way past the point of caring a whit which way the vote goes. We are hunkered down and biding time.


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