Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Feral Irishman: The Corruption Is Off The Charts.... TINVOWOOT

The Feral Irishman: The Corruption Is Off The Charts.... TINVOWOOT:    Listen closely to all 10 minutes.  This is eye opening.   Jeff says around 9 minutes in he fears if people find out he was told to brib...


We know this kind of thing goes on.

We know this kind of thing has been going on.

But when the curtain gets pulled back and the stench hits you in the face.....



I mean this is just the over the top kind of corruption and dirty dealing that makes us all wanna just burn it down.  Is there anything worth saving from the federal govt and the people involved with it?




  1. I hear you. Disgusting isn't!?!? And it goes on and on and on.

    It's just like this guy who has a blog/website and every Friday, almost without fail, this guy posts a whole bunch of porn. Nothing really hard core but every single week he posts filth. Nasty stuff that leads men into temptation.

    And to borrow some of what you wrote:
    We know it goes on.
    We know this kind of thing has been going on for a long time.
    We know there are a lot of people involved because of the post/page view count.
    We know that when the curtain gets pulled back and the stench of sin, fornication, and adultery hits you in the face that, sadly, nothing will change.

    Is there anyone who participates in that worth saving? Anyone?


  2. A blog, unlike our govt, is not forced upon us.

  3. You don't get it. The reason we have the big problems/sin with our government is because many Americans, even those that call themselves Christian, habitually practice *known* sin in their lives. The old testament is full of examples of what happens when people turn their backs on God. For example, do you know the story of why Nebuchadnezzar conquered Israel?

    What I am saying is that when people knowingly choose to sin, there are bad consequences. If enough people, even so-called Christians, do that then bad things happen on a larger scale.

    It does no good to complain and/or pray to God about big problems of *other* people if *you* are unwilling to confront and deal with the small problems/sin in your own.

    Does that make sense? Do you see how the two thing are related now?

  4. I recognize it is a personal decision on what you find offensive.

    1. Interesting. My "same road" post got deleted. Would you like me to re-post it? God told me that phrase would hit home.

      Why did you delete it? Are you feeling the push again?

    2. Wow, just like the main stream media, if it doesn't get reported/posted then it never happened. I think somebody just took a few more steps down that bad road.

      13“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
      14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
      ht tps://biblehub.com/niv/matthew/7.htm [emphasis mine]

      2.5% - 1 in 40
      Karl Falken's testimoney - time stamped to start at 50:00/3000s time index.
      ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J9yK0Q06Gk&t=3000s

      Howard Pitman testimony - time stamped to start at 52:18/3138s time index.
      ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbVGx67pF9o&t=3138s

      It's not too late. There's still time to repent.

  5. Let me ask you something now.
    Why post anonymously?
    If your convictions are so strong, why hide.

    I don't post anonymously.

  6. You know who I am. My moniker is Outlier. I signed my first post with that. I signed my post over at that other website too. What value would a registered Google account add? I don't have any social media accounts. I don't do that kind of stuff. Not worth my time. Why is that important to you? Either my words are true or not. If they're true then who they came from doesn't matter. And if they're not true then who they came from doesn't matter. You would be better served spending your time trying to learn who Jesus is and what His message it about. It's not hard. Just go read what He said and did in the new testament. Start with something easy like the sermon on the mount from the book of Matthew. I recommend the King James version (KJV) but the New Living Testament version (NLT) is okay. Biblehub is my favorite site to read and research online. Here's a link to get you started :) If you're having trouble reading or understand, just ask God for help. Something like, "Jesus, help me learn understand what you said, please." ht tps://biblehub.com/kjv/matthew/5.htm

  7. P.S. I just saw these videos and felt led to share them with you.

    RAPTURE of the Holy Spirit, 32 year study, (PART 1)
    ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4FvgnSAVoE

    Van Halen Guitarist's Father has a VISION of the RAPTURE EVENT. ( Rapture video #3)
    ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-hqmRfKhdI

    Mild language warning.


Play nice.